• There is always lots of things happening at Greenglade Nursery.

    We use this blog to help parents keep up to date with what is happening at Nursery, find out about progress with things we have planned and all the new things we are planning for the future.

    Our blog will keep you up to date

Planting our own Forest


Last Thursday (20.05.2021), was a very significant day for us as we start to become the Forest School that planted its own Forest. Our children began to plant one hundred and five trees that we have aquired from the Woodland Trust. We planted various species (all native) including dog rose, elder, hazel, rowan and crab apple. Our children will be learning much more about these in the future. We will be planting many more trees this year including oak, maple, alder and willow. We aim to plant up to one thousand five hundred trees in the near future as well as a large orchard.


Want to know more about our facilities and approach?

Get in touch or call in and see us. No appointment necessary. 

The benefits of outdoor learning

We passionately believe that children experience a huge range of benefits when they are playing and learning outside in natural environments. The natural world provides an infinite amount more learning resources and opportunities that can ever be provided in a single room or playground. This why we have purchased a completely secure and private nine acre field in Denholme, which it is in the process of developing into our own forest school facility, where children can be taken to enjoy playing and learning all day in a totally natural environment. We are not alone in believing this as a large number of studies show that children benefit from learning outdoors in many ways.

Learn More >

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday 7.30am - 6pm*
Saturday - Sunday: Closed

*arrangements can be made to care for children from 7am to 7pm

Stay in the know!

There is always lots of things happening at Nursery. We use this blog to help parents keep up to date with what is happening at Nursery, find out about progress with things we have planned and all the new things we are planning for the future.


We understand that parents will have a lot of questions they want to ask us when they come to visit and look around our nursery. In order to save parents time, we have listed all the questions that have been most frequently asked by parents.

Greenglade Day Nursery & Forest School
Denholme Gate Road
Hipperholme, Halifax

Phone : 01422 200123
Email: info@greengladeforestschool.com

GREENGLADE™ is a registered trademark in the UK in the name of Hipperholme Day Nurseries Ltd.